vrijdag 11 september 2009

Spending the day in Scheveningen.

Most people have heard of The Hague (Den Haag). I'm sure of it. Now....If you visit The Hague, be sure to do that in the morning. In the afternoon you will visit the beach, you will visit Scheveningen. Eat something small in one of many restaurants. And how about a nice walk across the beach? We did this during our summer vacation on a day that was not so warm, but still had a nice temperature.

woensdag 2 september 2009

Visiting carcássonne

We visited Carcassonne. A medieval town in the south of France. The French part of Catalonië to be precise. It was impressive. To see how well kept this little town is.

dinsdag 1 september 2009

Every summer we go to France or to Italy or.....well we take a vacation. We pack everything in our big Renault and of we go. This year we visited the coast near Perpignan, which is in France. The smell of fresh bread in the mornings, the flavours of the South of France, the people.....Time went by and before we new it, it was time to go home. All that is left are the pictures, a reminder of our happy family vacation.
